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Online Examination Management

We have created a new resource to help you give exams online

World's Platform for Change

Blazminds Technology Services Pvt. Ltd. is best Software Company providing Development Software with Supportive works to any Schools or Colleges anywhere in the world. Our Online Examination Software is one of the Best software in online exam with Practice and Main Test. online Exam Management software allows the students to create and conduct various types of exams, including qualifying exams, mid-terms, periodic tests and many more. It also allows you to conduct exams for specific student groups rather than the whole class as per Configure Examination Rules.
An online examination Software is a computer-based test system that can be used to conduct computer based tests online uses that is to be fewer resources and reduces the need for question papers and answer scripts, exam room scheduling, arranging invigilators, coordinating with examiners, and more. The purpose of the system is to develop Online Examination System., used to test the Domain knowledge of the students, and employees with respect to the particular technology. The manual procedure used for conducting exam is time consuming process and error prone due to human limitations.
We can say that the remote proctoring is the technology which can help to simplify online exams to be conducted across multiple cities or locations with ease. It can continuously monitor online exam of remote candidate. Remote Proctor sitting at remote location can monitor exam process, authenticate candidate. And unlike traditional pen-and-paper exams, it is possible to conduct open-book exams on an online exam system. In an online exam, a candidate can answer the questions in a given time, and the test window collapses once the exam is over, and evaluators keep answers ready for evaluation
MCQ Question

Create Subject and MCQ questions

Our Service consists of different format guidelines and each question must be on one line. Each answer option must start with a single uppercase letter, followed by a period "." or a right parenthesis ")", then a space. A multiple-choice test usually has dozens of questions or "items." For each question, the test- taker is supposed to select the "best" choice among a set of four or five options
Exam Batch

Check the existing exams batch

Our Service helps you to keep option on Existing Exams Batch to process by which a computer completes batches of students, often simultaneously, in non-stop, sequential order. It's also a command that ensures large students are computed in small parts for efficiency during the debugging process. And often used to help load programs, run multiple processes at a time, and perform common or repetitive tasks.
Exam Result

View Exam Results Batch Wise

Our Service help you to view the Batch-wise details which will be given for maintaining batch information pertaining from Exam result with exam name, roll number and date can also be set for batch wise details. The Number coming at one time or taken together through a batch of prisoners with prepared or required for one operational result.
Reset Examination

Reset Examination Batch Wise

Our service mention to help the students to check batches data were obtained batch-wise details will be available to reset Examination batch. And the information for selected criteria over a specific date range. Will have to show all examinational date as per attendance for the current day and batch reports are commonly associated with accounting software.
Online Examination

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